25 Causeway Blvd.
Clearwater, FL 33767
!Construction Alert! The marina is under construction and parking is EXTREMELY limited. We suggest that you plan for some extra time to secure parking before your cruise.
Parking: The City of Clearwater operates a pay per plate parking lot at the Clearwater Beach Marina with parking paid by the hour at parking kiosks in the lot at the rate of $3 per hour. Parking spots are available on a first-come, first-served basis for marina activity patrons only. Parking is enforced in the marina lot from 6am - 11pm daily. No oversize/bus parking spaces are on site.
Upon arrival, check-in at your cruise and get a daily merchant code. The merchant code discounts the rate to $1 per hour. Once you have the code, use the kiosk in the lot to purchase the time you need for your cruise. The Park Mobile App will NOT accept the merchant code.
Other parking areas are available on Clearwater Beach and the rates for these vary - parking garage (open to the public ) at the Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach at 301 South Gulfview Blvd, Pier 60 parking lot at 160 South Gulfview Blvd, Gateway parking lot at 1 East Shore Dr, and the North Beach Parking Plaza at 490 Poinsettia Ave.
The City of Clearwater may change rates, parking rules or enforcement hours at any time, without any prior notice. Additional parking information may be obtained from the City of Clearwater at 727.562.4707 ext. 2 or on their website. We are providing this information to try to be helpful.
3400 Pasadena Avenue South
South Pasadena, FL 33707
Parking: We have our own lot on the Corey Causeway. For your convenience, there is no parking charge at this location.
177 Boardwalk Pl. E.
Madeira Beach, FL 33708
The Calypso Breeze ticket kiosk is located by the entrance of the parking garage.
Parking: Parking garage and metered spaces on site with parking paid by the hour.