
8 Hour Offshore Powerboat Races Spectator Cruise

Sunday, September 29th, 2024

Watch the Offshore Powerboat Races from the water. This 8 hour special cruise is aboard the StarLite Majesty Dining Yacht and takes you up close to these spectacular races into the Gulf of Mexico.

Continental Breakfast and Lunch Buffet
Muffins, Cinnamon Rolls, Fresh Fruit, Coffee & Tea

Caesar Salad, Penne Alfredo, Beef Burgundy, Parmesan Crusted Tilapia,
Chicken Parmesan, Herb Roasted Red Potatoes, Green Beans, Peel & Eat Shrimp and Dessert

Full cocktail service is available for purchase on board.

View the Offshore Powerboat Races up close on the water! The luxuriously appointed StarLite Majesty Dining Yacht will take passengers through Clearwater Pass and out into the Gulf of Mexico just north of Pier 60 to view the races. Passengers will enjoy a continental breakfast during the cruise out, before the first race and a lunch buffet during the break between the first and second race. Each party will have reserved seating at shared tables.


Available Cruises Adult Child Book Now
Offshore Powerboat Races Spectator Cruise $91.95 $58.95 Select a Date